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Futures Plus Futures Options Symbology

May 15, 2020

Discover the advantages of trading Futures Options with TradeStation

See also

What is a Future Option?

What is a Future Option?

Market BasicsFutures OptionsA futures option is a type of security that grants the trader the right to buy or sell a futures contract at a specific price by a specific date. There are two types of futures options: call options and put options. Call...

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What is a Future Option?

Why Trade Futures Options?

Market BasicsFutures OptionsFutures options combines the benefits of both trading futures and trading options and offers a number of advantages over other financial instruments. Limited Risk – Buying a call or put futures option offers the trader...

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What is a Future Option?

What You Need to Know About Trading Futures Options

Market BasicsFutures OptionsTrading futures options requires you learn how to trade futures, how to trade options and how to trade futures options. You need a detailed understanding of each futures option contract you are going to trade, learn what...

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