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Opportunity knocks for those with trading in their DNA.
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Energy, Materials, Transports: New Companies Are Leading as Inflation Rises

Energy, Materials, Transports: New Companies Are Leading as Inflation Rises

Inflation is a growing concern as the economy surges back from coronavirus. This post will discuss companies that could benefit from the trend. The primary groups we will cover are: Industrial metalsEnergy / Fossil fuelsTransportationIndustrialsAgriculture First, why...

Tesla and Were the Top Symbols at TradeStation Last Month

Tesla and Were the Top Symbols at TradeStation Last Month

Tesla remained the busiest symbol at TradeStation Securities in September as investors kept their focus on technology stocks. The electric car maker held the No. 1 rankings for the third straight month after splitting its shares. Other major Nasdaq companies like...

These Were the Top Stocks on TradeStation in August

These Were the Top Stocks on TradeStation in August

Tesla dominated activity on TradeStation's platform last month, and no other stock even came close. The electric-car maker held the No. 1 spot on our monthly ranking, outpacing runner-up Apple (AAPL) by a huge margin. Other major technology stocks remained highly...

These Were the Top Symbols on TradeStation in June as the Economy Reopened

These Were the Top Symbols on TradeStation in June as the Economy Reopened

The economy reopened in June, and TradeStation clients played the trend by pivoting to travel-related stocks. Aerospace giant Boeing (BA) flew up the rankings of busiest symbols on our platform. United Airlines (UAL) and American Airlines (AAL) also entered the list...