Saturday, September 7, 2024

Markets seem to be climbing a wall of worry

This article is not a recommendation and is intended for educational purposes only. "Stocks climb a wall of worry." Most of us have heard the...

Stocks advance but hit resistance

So much for a breakout in the S&P 500. The index began last week on a strong foot, only to stall at the top of...

How the bulls are chasing Fox: Options activity

If you've ever wondered about bulls chasing a Fox, look no further than the activity yesterday's options market. And no, we're not talking about a...

Donā€™s Notebook March 27, 2018

Case-Shiller data are likely to highlight the strength of home appreciation, which is a less publicized factor behind what have been robust levels of...

Donā€™s Notebook March 15, 2018

This morningā€™s jobless claims report points to strength in the labor market with initial claims down 4,000 in the March 10 week to 226,000. ...

Has General Electric Finally Bottomed?

This post is for education purposes only and should not be interpreted as a trade recommendation. General Electric (GE) has been a member of the...

Suddenly the Bears are in Retreat

Stocks recovered from early losses last week asĀ interest rates stabilized and money streamed into tech. A Friday-afternoon surge landed the S&P 500 back above its...

Stocks Have Biggest Drop in Two Years as Rates Rise

Stocks just took their deepest dive in two years as higher interest rates caused investors to take profits. The S&P 500 cratered 3.85 percent between...

Suddenly Latin America is Red Hot

Move over China, here comes Brazil. Global stocks have outperformed domestics since last spring, mostly led by Chinese equities. But in the last week or...

Trust the Trend but Verify: Price Headly

Buy at support, sell at resistance, but always back-test. That was the message from our pro trader this morning. Price Headly, founder of, runs...
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