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Sentiment May Be Shifting in Oil Before Iran Sanctions

Sentiment May Be Shifting in Oil Before Iran Sanctions

For months, the story in crude oil has been bullish. But some recent developments may show sentiment is turning. First, look at inventories. The government says they rose by 3.8 million barrels last week, while forecasters had anticipated a decline of about 2.4...

How Time Was Money on Tech Earnings: Winning Trade in Apple

How Time Was Money on Tech Earnings: Winning Trade in Apple

Earlier this week, we outlined a potential options trade on Apple (AAPL) before earnings. That strategy hit maximum profit this morning after strong results sent the tech giant to a new all-time high. Let's take a look with TradeStation's OptionStation Pro. The green...

Riding a megabank on the cheap: Options recap

Riding a megabank on the cheap: Options recap

One big investor is riding a megabank on the cheap, thanks to the leveraging power of options. Bank of America (BAC) has been on the move since late 2016. A large call roll yesterday seemed to show that a money manager is using options as a surrogate for owning...

Big Tech De-fangs the SPY: July at TradeStation

Big Tech De-fangs the SPY: July at TradeStation

FANG ruled the roost in this month as volatility swept the Nasdaq. The two busiest stocks for TradeStation clients in July were members of the high-tech quartet: Facebook (FB) and Netflix (NFLX). Both crashed from record highs after mediocre quarterly reports raised...

Bears Target Consumer Heavyweight: Options Recap

Bears Target Consumer Heavyweight: Options Recap

Bears were moving in for the kill as a giant consumer staples firm prepared earnings. Procter & Gamble (PG), after all, has had anything but a strong track record. The parent of brands like Gillette, Pampers and Tide dropped fell after its last three quarterly...

Know Your Options: Diagonal Spread Targets Apple Volatility Crush

Know Your Options: Diagonal Spread Targets Apple Volatility Crush

One of the most predictable things in the market is time decay after a big event like earnings. Have you ever used a diagonal spread to capitalize on the change? Today we'll see how it's done. First, remember that option premiums attempt to factor in price swings. As...

Tech Falls as Earnings and Economic Data Disappoint

Tech Falls as Earnings and Economic Data Disappoint

Technology stocks took a hit last week, but the broader market still managed a fourth straight gain. The S&P 500 rose 0.6 percent between Friday, July 20, and Friday, July 27. That contrasted with the Nasdaq-100's decline of 0.7 percent. Sub-par earnings and...

Caution Reigns in Chip Space: Options Recap

Caution Reigns in Chip Space: Options Recap

Options traders are bracing against a drop in chip makers as earnings season marches on. Here's a breakdown a large bearish spread in the Market Vectors Semiconductor ETF (SMH) yesterday: Roughly 22,000 September 100 puts were bought for $1.85. Roughly 22,000...

S&P 500 Erases February Selloff

S&P 500 Erases February Selloff

Stocks may have just broken a key level from early in the year, shortly before they suffered a gut-wrenching drop. Here's what it felt like at the time: The S&P 500 hit a record high on January 26. It then stalled and chopped in a right range before spiraling...