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Market Insights

Opportunity knocks for those with trading in their DNA.
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Don’s Notebook March 27, 2018

Don’s Notebook March 27, 2018

Case-Shiller data are likely to highlight the strength of home appreciation, which is a less publicized factor behind what have been robust levels of consumer confidence. The S&P Corelogic Case-Shiller home price index tracks monthly changes in the value of...

Don’s Notebook March 15, 2018

Don’s Notebook March 15, 2018

This morning’s jobless claims report points to strength in the labor market with initial claims down 4,000 in the March 10 week to 226,000. The 4-week average, at 221,500, is down for the seventh time in the last nine weeks and is nearly 7,000 lower than it was a...

Don’s Notebook February 16, 2018

Don’s Notebook February 16, 2018

The strengthening recovery across U.S. equities — the S&P 500 Index capped its best five-day run since 2011 yesterday — continues to set the tone for global benchmarks.

Don’s Notebook February 13, 2018

Don’s Notebook February 13, 2018

So far this morning, U.S. stocks are holding onto yesterday’s momentum, where the S&P 500 Index spent the entire session positive for the first time since its last all-time closing high on Jan. 26. Small business owners regained their high optimism in January...

Don’s Notebook February 9, 2018

Don’s Notebook February 9, 2018

Thursday was another bad day in the market. Analysts say this moves the major indexes into a “correction.” News reports state that investors have pulled out 24 billion from stock funds in the last week. However in the pre- market it looked like Futures prices pointed...

Stocks Have Biggest Drop in Two Years as Rates Rise

Stocks Have Biggest Drop in Two Years as Rates Rise

Stocks just took their deepest dive in two years as higher interest rates caused investors to take profits. The S&P 500 cratered 3.85 percent between Friday, January 26, and Friday, February 2 -- its biggest weekly decline since early 2016. The selloff contrasted...

Morning Notes Jan. 29, 2018

Morning Notes Jan. 29, 2018

Personal Income and Outlays Report was issued this morning. This report breaks out December's consumer numbers, including inflation data, from last week's fourth-quarter GDP report. Personal income rose 0.4 percent in December with wages and salaries up 0.5 percent....

Mnuchin Hammers Greenback in Major Policy Shift

Mnuchin Hammers Greenback in Major Policy Shift

Twenty-three years of policy out the window? That's what might have just happened. After all, government officials have spoken in favor of a strong U.S. dollar since Robert Rubin's tenure. Democrat or Republican, economic expansion or recession: It's been the mantra....

Massive Rotation Underway as Optimism Spreads

Massive Rotation Underway as Optimism Spreads

Some people may confuse energy and utility stocks, but they're not likely to make that mistake right now. Energy's up 4.5% in the last week, compared with a 4.8% drop for utilities over the same time frame. The resulting 9.3 percentage-point difference is the widest...