Thursday, September 19, 2024

Peak Earnings?, Facebook Make Tech Investors Worry It’s Downhill From Here

Major technology stocks like got a huge boost from last year's pandemic. Now investors are starting to worry their best growth is in...

Mnuchin Hammers Greenback in Major Policy Shift

Twenty-three years of policy out the window? That's what might have just happened. After all, government officials have spoken in favor of a strong U.S....

Markets seem to be climbing a wall of worry

This article is not a recommendation and is intended for educational purposes only. "Stocks climb a wall of worry." Most of us have heard the...

Here come the central banks

Now that the North Korean summit is finished, attention turns to major central bank meetings on both sides of the Atlantic. Both are expected...

Are We Seeing Fireworks on Trade?

It's Fourth of July week, and the fireworks may have already begun. The last few days have featured even more bangs and flashes between U.S. and...

Will the Strong Economy Distort Today’s Jobs Report?

Today features an event that's usually considered the most important economic report of the month. But it might be distorted by the strong economy. That...

So Much for Inflation Running Wild This Summer

This week brought a trio of reports on inflation. None of them seemed to flash any warning signs about prices spiraling out of control. ...

Tracking the Bears in China

Global economic and financial issues are back in the forefront. Turkey's been the main story in the last week, but today China has some...

A Tough Slog For Banks, With a Happy Ending

There was a day when higher interest rates lifted financials. But not anymore. Selling in the sector has been intense, with 64 of the 67...

Fed Signals Potentially ‘Dovish’ Turn

After years of steady rate hikes, the Federal Reserve may be signaling a change of course. The U.S. central bank's top two policymakers made potentially "dovish"...
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