Frequently Asked Questions
Account Questions
Software Questions
- Equities Platform FAQ
- Futures Platform FAQ
- Two-Factor Authentication FAQ
- Upgrading Platform FAQ
- Website Browser FAQ
Top Customer Questions
How do I place a futures trade?
- If you trade only electronic futures markets, TradeStation provides integrated, direct-access order execution from the Trade Bar within the TradeStation platform. More detailed information on electronic futures trading (electronic symbols only) in TradeStation is provided below.
- If you trade futures options (or futures options and electronic futures), TradeStation enables you to place trades through the TradeStation FuturesPlus platform. To trade both futures options and electronic futures, you must open and fund a second futures account. More detailed information on non-electronic futures trading (futures options or electronic symbols) using the TradeStation FuturesPlus platform is provided below.
You can also place a trade by calling our Futures Trade Desk at 800.837.8951 or 954.652.7930. Orders placed by phone will be charged an additional $50 per trade.
What are the futures trading hours?
What is the reduced intraday margin for futures trading?
When are the reduced intraday margin rates (day trading rates) for futures trading available?
Which contracts does TradeStation offer for a reduced intraday margin rate (day trading rate)?
The following contracts are available at 50% of initial margin: AD, BP, CD, EC, JY, MP1, NE1, SF, DX, E7, J7, US, UB, TY, TEN, FV, TU, GC, SI, HG, PA, PL, YG, YI, CL, NG, HO, RB, BRN, and QM.
How does a futures trader utilize the day-trade rate?
Can a futures trader contact the Trade Desk 24 hours a day?
What are the symbols for futures contracts?
Individual Contracts
The symbology for an individual futures contract is the root (which may be one or more characters), followed by the month code, a two-digit year code, a decimal and the alias extension (optional).
[Symbol root][Month Code][Year Code].[Alias]
For example, futures contracts for the S&P 500 June 2020 Pit are displayed as SPM20.P. See the Alias Extensions section below for an explanation of the .P extension.
Continuous Futures Contracts
Continuous futures data is necessary for the back-testing of futures markets due to the limited life span of this type of market. This data is linked at rollover points and is adjusted to ensure continuity.
The symbology for a continuous futures contract is an ampersand (@) followed by the symbol root, a decimal and the alias extension (optional).
@[Symbol root].[Alias]
For example, continuous futures contracts for the S&P 500 Electronic are displayed as @SP. For more information on continuous contracts, click on Help > Get Help > Platform Trading in the TradeStation platform. In the Search box, enter Continuous Contracts and click on the Continuous Futures Contracts topic.
Alias Extensions
Extensions are optional; if you don’t add an extension after a futures symbol, the data for the electronic-only futures will be displayed.
The following extensions are used to indicate the type of trading activity:
.D = Electronic day only
.P = Pit only
Note: The .D extension is available only for symbols that trade 24 hours a day electronically, such as the E-Mini S&P 500, which starts trading at 5 p.m. Central Time and continues until 4:15 p.m. on the following day. For example, to view only the day session for the E-Mini S&P 500 March 2020 Electronic, append .D to the symbol, so it would become ESH20.D.
Electronic Futures Trading (Electronic Symbols Only) on the TradeStation Platform
How do I cancel an order?
Can I cancel or replace a partially executed order?
On the TradeStation platform, how can I view my futures account orders, open positions, balances, etc.?
What information can I get online about the status of my orders?
- Sending – Order is being sent
- Sent – Order has been routed and dispatched
- Received – Order has been received and is live
- Cancel Sending – Cancel request is being sent
- Cancel Sent – Cancel request has been dispatched
- Cancel Received – Cancel request has been received
- UROut – Order is out of the market
- Filled – Order has been filled
- Partial Fill/Alive – Order has been partially filled and an order for the remaining shares is still live
- Partial Fill/UROut – Order has been partially filled and an order for the remaining shares is no longer live
- Expired – Time limit of the order has expired
- Rejected – Order was rejected
Two-Factor Authentication Security
What is two-factor authentication?
Two-factor authentication (also known as two-factor verification or multi-factor authentication) is a security feature that adds an extra layer of protection when accessing your TradeStation brokerage accounts.
Traditional usernames and passwords can be guessed or discovered by malicious online perpetrators. However, since only you will have access to your mobile device with your Auth0 Guardian credential that generates a unique security code for validating your identity, your account is better protected and transactions are more secured. Security codes cannot be used more than once and old codes that have expired cannot be reused.
You’ll need to set up your phone or tablet to provide two factors or means of authentication when you log in to your TradeStation websites:
- Your username and password
- A six-digit security code from your Auth0 Guardian app (which you’ll download to your mobile device)
See below for a list of applications that require two-factor authentication to log in.
What is the Auth0 Guardian app?
Two-factor authentication relies on the Auth0 Guardian mobile app. Auth0 Guardian is an enterprise-grade security service from a globally recognized leader in online security, which provides the infrastructure, client software and other important elements critical to bringing two-factor authentication to TradeStation customers.
Can I set up two-factor authentication without the Auth0 Guardian app?
While we recommend using Auth0 Guardian, you can use SMS or the Google Authenticator app. If you don’t have a smartphone or prefer not to use an app, you can select SMS on the set-up screen:
For detailed instructions, see How do I set up two-factor authentication without a smartphone? below.
Do I have to use two-factor authentication?
Yes, you are required to use two-factor authentication to log in to TradeStation websites. The security two-factor authentication provides makes your account safer.
Which applications require two-factor authentication to log in?
The applications that require two-factor authentication to log in include:
- TradeStation Client Center
- TradeStation Web Trading
- TradeStation FuturesPlus
- W-8 Ben Certificate
- Account opening process
- Community forums
Which applications do not require two-factor authentication to log in?
The applications that do not require two-factor authentication to log in include:
- iOS Mobile App
- Android Mobile App
- TradeStation Desktop Platform
How do I get the Auth0 Guardian app?
How do I set up two-factor authentication with the Auth0 Guardian app?
First, you will set up your phone as your secondary authentication device. Once enabled, you will be prompted to use this device each time you log in.
Here’s a quick video that walks you through it, followed by step-by-step instructions.
Step-by-step setup video
Step-by-step setup instructions
To enable two-factor authentication for the first time:
- From your web browser on your computer, go to the TradeStation login screen.
- Enter your TradeStation username and password, and click the Log in button.
- For your first-time login, you’ll switch between your phone and the computer to enroll:
- Download the Auth0 Guardian app on your phone:
- Click the I’ve already downloaded it link on the Login to TradeStation dialog. Launch the Auth0 Guardian app, and Allow Guardian to take pictures and record video.
- Scan the QR code that appears on the Login to TradeStation dialog into your Auth0 Guardian app.
- A recovery code generates which will be used if you ever lose your mobile device. On the Login to TradeStation dialog, check the box, I have safely recorded this code, and click the > arrow below it.
- When the Login to TradeStation dialog displays “Congratulations, you are all set,” click Continue.
- A notification will be sent to your phone. Allow the authentication request. If you are unable to respond to the notification, then you can launch the Auth0 Guardian app, tap TradeStation, and enter your recovery code on the bottom of the screen.
- Once your identity has been verified, you’re all set.
How do I set up two-factor authentication with the Google Authenticator app?
First, you will set up your phone as your secondary authentication device. Once enabled, you will be prompted to use this device each time you log in.
Step-by-step setup instructions
To enable two-factor authentication for the first time:
- From your web browser on your computer, go to the TradeStation login screen.
- Enter your TradeStation username and password, and click the Log in button.
- For your first-time login, you’ll switch between your phone and the computer to enroll:
- Download the Google Authenticator app on your phone:
- Click the Google Authenticator link on the bottom of the Login to TradeStation dialog.
- Scan the QR code that appears on the Login to TradeStation dialog into your Google Authenticator app.
- A six-digit code will appear on your Google Authenticator app. Enter the six-digit code below the QR code, and click the > arrow below it.
- A recovery code generates which will be used if you ever lose your mobile device. On the Login to TradeStation dialog, check the box, I have safely recorded this code, and click the > arrow below it.
- Click Continue and the Login to TradeStation dialog displays “Congratulations, you are all set.”
How do I set up two-factor authentication without a smartphone?
First, you will set up your cell phone as your secondary authentication device. Once enabled, you will be prompted to use your phone each time you log in.
Step-by-step setup instructions
To enable two-factor authentication for the first time:
- From your web browser on your computer, go to the TradeStation login screen.
- Enter your TradeStation username and password, and click the Log in button.
- For your first-time login, you’ll switch between your phone and the computer to enroll:
- Click the SMS link on the bottom of the Login to TradeStation dialog.
- Choose your country and then enter your phone number without hyphens or other characters.
- Click the > arrow to continue. You will receive a text message with a six-digit code.
- Enter your six-digit code and click the > arrow at the bottom of the login dialog.
- A recovery code generates which will be used if you ever lose your phone. On the Login to TradeStation dialog, check the box, I have safely recorded this code, and click the > arrow below it.
- Click Continue and the Login to TradeStation dialog displays “Congratulations, you are all set.”
How do I log in after I’ve set up two-factor authentication?
Once you’ve set up your phone as a secondary authentication device, follow these steps to log in.
To log in after you’ve set up two-factor authentication:
- On the TradeStation login screen, enter your TradeStation username and password, and click the Log in button.
- Verify your identity using the setup you’ve selected:
- If you’re using the Auth0 Guardian app, you’ll receive a notification on your smartphone. Allow the authentication request. If you are unable to respond to the notification, then you can launch your app, tap TradeStation, and enter your code on the bottom of the screen.
- If you’re using SMS without a smartphone, you’ll receive a text to your cellphone. Enter the six-digit code you are sent on the Login to TradeStation dialog.
- If you’re using the Google Authenticator app, open the app and enter your six-digit code on the Login to TradeStation dialog.
- Once your identity has been verified, TradeStation will launch.
Once signed in, you won’t be asked for a verification code on your device again unless you log out completely, reset your two-factor authentication, change your password, or your log in expires.
When you sign in on the web, you can choose Remember this browser, so you won’t be asked for a verification code the next time you sign in from your computer. The remember browser feature expires after 30 days if you log in at least once every seven days, or if you do not log in for seven days. When it expires, you will again accept a notification or enter your code to log in.
How do I log in if I lose my phone?
When you set up two-factor authentication, you’ll receive a recovery code for you to record. Save this code in a safe place. If you lose your phone or can’t get to it, you can use the back-up code to log in.
How do I change or reset my two-factor authentication settings?
You can reset two-factor authentication if you need to switch to a new mobile device, if you have removed the authenticator app from your mobile device, or you simply wish to choose a different verification method. When your two-factor authentication settings are reset, all information regarding your two-factor authentication profile will be deleted for security purposes. To reset your two-factor authentication settings log in to the TradeStation Client Center, navigate to the Customer Profile section, then select Two-Factor Authentication from the left menu. Follow the instructions provided to complete the reset process. Once you have reset your two-factor authentication settings you will be asked to setup your new two-factor authentication settings the next time you log in.
Can I use an Auth0 Guardian app that I currently have?
Yes. If you already have an Auth0 Guardian app and are using it to log in to another organization, you can add your TradeStation account to it by following the steps above. If you have multiple user accounts with TradeStation, each will need to be registered.
What do I do if I use the Auth0 Guardian mobile app and get a new phone?
If you obtain a new mobile phone, you will need to contact TradeStation Client Services to reset two-factor authentication to remove the previous credential. Within the Auth0 Guardian mobile app, you will also need to delete the current account profile for TradeStation. Then, tap the + sign to scan the new QR code, and follow the steps above to re-enable two-factor authentication and enroll the new phone.
Who can I contact if have questions?
For more information, contact TradeStation Client Services.
Using TradeStation in Multiple Locations
Can I use TradeStation at my home and office?
Yes, you can use the TradeStation platform on different computers in multiple locations. However, each individual login can only be connected to one computer at a time. You will be notified if you are already connected to the TradeStation Network and attempt to log in to the platform at a different location. A dialogue box will caution users that connecting to TradeStation will disconnect the session at the other location. In addition, since TradeStation manages and stores all the data, you will not have any data gaps at either location. If you would like to have the same EasyLanguage analysis techniques and workspaces available on both machines, you will need to import/export your work from one machine to the other. You can easily back up your TradeStation work to one file by using the Backup/Restore TradeStation tool that is available in the file menu.
For more information, please see the TradeStation Platform Help Guide. You can view the guide by logging into the platform, selecting “Help” from the menu, and then selecting Get Help > Platform Trading. For more information about transferring your work, under the Index tab in the help window, type the keyword Export and select the topic called Studies and strategies in TradeStation 10, or Analysis techniques and strategies in TradeStation 9.5. For more information about using the Backup/Restore tool, under the Index tab in the help window, type the keyword Backup and click the Backup and restore configuration index listing. Select the subtitle called About Backup and Restore to view more help and a video. You can also view a video from this link: Backing Up and Restoring Your TradeStation Work.
Can I work offline?
Yes. TradeStation offers historical and streaming real-time data through the TradeStation Network. TradeStation caches the data for symbols you request onto your hard drive so that you can view this data offline when you’re not connected. However, traders must connect to the platform every 30 days to have the functionality to work offline.
Will I be able to get RadarScreen® and/or OptionStation Pro®?
Yes. RadarScreen and OptionStation Pro are free for TradeStation brokerage customers and software subscription customers.
Software Updates
How will I know that there is a new update and how do I download it?
With the TradeStation platform, it’s automatic. In TradeStation 10, upon logging on, your system will automatically update for you. In TradeStation 9.5, upon logging on, TradeStation will automatically notify you of a new update and you will have the option of downloading it then or waiting until later.
Is there a cost for updates/service packs?
No. The TradeStation platform is a subscription service and includes all updates.
Market Data
What markets are available on the TradeStation Network?
The TradeStation Network provides data on stocks, indexes, mutual funds, options, futures and forex.
How much historical data is available on the TradeStation Network?
The TradeStation Network provides historical price and volume information for virtually every stock, futures market and major index traded in the United States, including:
- Nearly 50 years of daily data for stocks trading back that far
- Over 27 years of intraday data for stocks trading back that far
- Over 66 years of daily data for select futures markets
- Over 35 years of daily and intraday data for futures markets trading back that far
- Over 47 years of daily forex data and over 15 years of intraday forex data
- Dow Jones Industrial Average
The TradeStation Network also includes back-adjusted contracts for the major futures markets.
How secure is the confidentiality of my EasyLanguage analysis techniques, strategies and workspaces?
All of these are saved on your local computer hard drive, and TradeStation has no way to view them.
What happens to analysis techniques and strategies I’ve edited or created in a previous version?
Analysis techniques and strategies should be upgradable to newer versions of TradeStation. However, analysis techniques and strategies created in later versions of TradeStation cannot be reverted to a previous version.
Will the analysis technique or strategy that I purchased from a third-party software provider or received from someone else still work (.ELS, .ELD, or .ELA files)?
Yes. Any analysis technique or strategy created in TradeStation can be imported into newer versions of TradeStation.
If I am a third-party software provider, what security measure should I use when creating my analysis techniques/strategies?
Each TradeStation subscriber is assigned a Customer ID number. This field should be used as the security key when validating a user. As with the Block Number, this field will be passed by the TradeStation Network upon request. The keyword in EasyLanguage is Customer ID.
Computer System Requirements
What are the recommended computer system requirements for running TradeStation?
Click here for the list of requirements.
Are my workspaces forward compatible with newer versions of TradeStation? Will they be automatically converted?
Saved workspaces created in TradeStation will be automatically converted to the most recent version after completing a software update. However, workspaces saved or created in later versions of TradeStation cannot be reverted to a previous version.
Does TradeStation support third-party data formats (e.g., CSI and Metastock)?
Yes. TradeStation can plot charts of third-party ASCII and Metastock data files, and you will be able to apply analysis techniques and strategies to those charts. However, charts will not update with current pricing after importing third-party data.
Website Browser Questions
Which desktop web browsers are supported by TradeStation websites?
Supported Desktop Browsers
Browser | Version | Operating System |
Apple Safari | 7 – Latest | OS X 10.9 – Latest |
Google Chrome | 36 – Latest | All |
Microsoft Edge | All | Windows 10 |
Microsoft Internet Explorer | 10 | Windows 7 and 8 Requires a settings change. – Learn how |
11 | Windows 7, 8.1, and 10 | |
Mozilla Firefox | 33 – Latest | All |
Supported Mobile Web Browsers
Browser | Version | Operating System |
Apple Safari | 7 – Latest | iOS 7 – Latest |
Android OS Browser | 5.0 – Latest | 5.0 – Latest |
Google Chrome | 36 – Latest | All |
Microsoft Edge | All | Windows 10 |
Microsoft Internet Explorer Mobile | 10 – 11 | Windows Phone 8 – 8.1 |
Mozilla Firefox | 33 – Latest | All |
How do I configure Internet Explorer 8 – 10 for use with TradeStation websites?
Although upgrading to the latest Microsoft web browser or another modern browser is generally recommended, we are aware that some users wish to continue using an older version of Microsoft Internet Explorer. If you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer 8, 9, or 10 on Windows 7 or Windows 8, you can manually configure the browser to accept newer security protocols by following the steps below.
Step 1: Open Internet Explorer
Step 2: Open the Tools menu, and select Internet Options
Step 3: Browse to the Advanced tab
Step 4: In the Settings box, check the checkboxes provided for following items:
- Use TLS 1.1
- Use TLS 1.2
Step 5: Click the OK button to save the changes.
Why is it important to keep my browser up to date?
Modern web browsers are continually evolving to support the needs of new technologies and development practices, as well as in response to new online security threats as they arise. To ensure you have the best and safest user experience possible, it is recommended that you regularly check for updates to your favorite web browser(s) and browser plugins/add-ons. Many modern browsers now offer an “automatic update” feature that will ensure that you have the latest features and protections automatically. Taking advantage of the “auto update” feature is highly recommended.